Monday, February 13, 2006

Living Alone

I have never lived all by myself before. It's an interesting novelty that I seem to have had little to no trouble getting used to.

I am quite pleased with the fact that I can come home after work to find everything where and how I left it, and if there were six biscuits in the packet, and I can damn near guarantee that there are still six biscuits in the packet when I return home.

I can play the same Jeff Buckley song 15 times in a row if I choose to, without someone saying "What are you doing you strange girl?" I can even sing loudly and off-key whenever I like.

"Don't you get awfully lonely?" I hear you ask. At night I do. But I have a very special teddy bear during the week and an even more special life-size teddy on the weekends to keep me warm and happy.


Things are picking up alright. And I wouldn't have it any other way.


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