The music industry IS bullshit.

And in the eight years since that speech, the problem has only escalated.
Only in the year 2005, do you have 'rock stars' that cover childrens ditties, and 'popstars' who feel the need to spell the word 'banana' in their already lyrically weak masterpieces. I say masterpieces purely because their songs always get to #1 and almost always sell 50 billion records.
The children's ditty I mentioned earlier is a relatively new song, entitled "If you're horny and you know it, clap your hands". How many hours they spent toiling over those exquisite lyrics I have no idea, but what I do know is that they managed to write an entire song based on this one cracker: "If you're horny and you know it, clap your hands. If you're horny and you know it, clap your hands. If you're horny and you know it and you really want to show it, then get on my lap and do a dance".
And as Esthero says 'We R in need of a musical revolution'. Although if it were me, I would have put 'are' instead of 'R'. Because text speak only adds to the fact that we are living in a 'dumbed-down' generation of fools who buy music that a four year old could have written, never read books, and abbreviate every glorious word put in front of them.
I will take a stand. I will rise up against abbreviation.
There is no need to ruin our beautiful language with 'hi how r u' 'do u wnt 2 hav sex0r'.
Who's with me?!
What's popular just sucks more now. Everything else is better. In 1978, it was either Tom Petty or Disco... no Interpol, no Mars Volta, no Ryan Adams... nothing beyond the top 40. Yes, the top forty was far better, but there was nothing beyond that.
We now have more amazing music than we could ever listen to. Even if we listened to 24 albums every day for the rest of our lives, we would never run out of amazing music.
What's popular just sucks more now. Everything else is better. In 1978, it was either Tom Petty or Disco... no Interpol, no Mars Volta, no Ryan Adams... nothing beyond the top 40. Yes, the top forty was far better, but there was nothing beyond that.
We now have more amazing music than we could ever listen to. Even if we listened to 24 albums every day for the rest of our lives, we would never run out of amazing music.
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